Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why I detest American idol.


Here are my reasons why I detest this show and won't ever watch it.
1;- The judges are a joke, the best one is Jenniffer Lopez, and her claim to fame is her ass , the other one looks like a gay mummy, and so on. And they have the nerve to turn down kids who have the potential of having more talent than they ever had ( give me a brake ).
2;- Unliked people like Sinatra, "Duke " Wayne , Elvis, The Beatles, Jolie ,Freddie Prinze, who earned they're way to the top thru years of hard work, good and bad experiences , which strengthened their staying power , the talent these participating kids have are mostly wasted, because they burn them out, and those who do make it , didn't get the staying power lessons they migth had gotten the "Old fashion way ", " by earning it ". All I can say to the producers and makers of this circus, is to Take a hint from Ed Mcmahon's " Star search ", and get some real honest and goodness judges, not clowns.
I'd rather watch dancing with the stars.

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